Your turnover has increased and your old warehouse can’t cope with the increased material handling requirements?
Are cost savings expected from you year by year?
Delayed shipments causing many customer complaints?
Having trouble with production service, trouble with inventory levels?
Do you feel that your IT system does not support your work properly?
Are you preparing for a logistics investment and all your prospective suppliers promise the best solution?
We offer independent professional help, support in decision making and implementing your projects!
We do not believe in out-of-the box solutions. Decades of professional experience and our flexible problem-solving skills are always focused on your specific issues and problems. We adapt to your situation and offer a sustainable solution appropriate in the long run. We provide proper customized answers in the fields of logistics, management consultancy and IT.
Instead of ad-hoc firefighting we offer system-wide recognition and a new perspective so you can reach the full potential of your business.
If you need more than a quick one-time solution, Revelator can help you planning in the long run.
Disztribúciós Rendszerek
Közúti Vasúti és Vízi Szállítási Rendszerek
Raktárlogisztikai Rendszerek
Stratégiaalkotás Döntéselőkészítés
Szakmai Oktatás
Termeléslogisztikai Rendszerek
Vasúti Technológia Fejlesztés
Revelator Logistics, IT and
Management Consulting Ltd.
Headquarters, office: 9022 Győr, Liszt Ferenc u. 40.